Hello Friends.
Hey, real quick: whatever happened to adults? I guess I'm
speaking to pop culture specifically, but the same phenomenon is reflected in
large social trends. Why, for instance, are we so enamoured of books and movies
for young audiences? I'd rather be shot in my goddamn face than learn how to
train my dragon 2. And I like Jennifer Lawrence fine, but does she really have
to be the biggest star in the world right now? She's barely out of being a
bween! She hasn't bweaned, if you will.
Every male star seems borne of some franchise (again,
intended for children), and reduced to soundbiting on late night TV. If there
is a Dustin Hoffman-type actor coming up today, we'll never meet him unless
he's in Spaghetti Kids 4: Uh-Oh, Spaghetti Kids! And Jimmy Fallon has to reduce
everyone on his show to viral-worthy clickbait, which I understand gets good
ratings, but I can't imagine Dick Cavett and Norman Mailer engaging in a
lip-synch battle or forming a barbershop quartet.
I don't mean to suggest that we need proto-typical adult men
and women role models to enforce some kind of arbitrary gender binary, but
can't we place a little bit more emphasis on maturity? I don't mean we should
all find jobs, homes, and families in short order; nailing those first two down
is nearly impossible in our economy, but rather that we should be more
realistic about just how great it is to be young and cool all the time. I'm
neither cool nor particularly young and I've never been good at either. I
really feel like I'm becoming more of a person by growing older and having new
experiences; why doesn't everyone feel this way?
Dream: Embrace becoming an adult.
Goal: Achievable. In many cultures, adulthood is something
that is simply thrust upon you, there's no choice about working to support the
family, getting married, providing. But here in North America, there is a
generation of us unwilling or unable to move out of a younger person's dynamic,
whether that means living at home, having little to no full time work, or being
a perpetual student. Contrary to blowhard thinkpieces in several "esteemed"
publications, that's not laziness, that's just the reality for many people in
this economy. Yet, I still there are things that we can do, that I can do
specifically, to grow up a little bit.
Plan: Set foot on the path to maturity by making the
following changes:
Cut my hair. No, I can't do that one. While the part may
have moved from the centre to the side, I've had the same long shaggy hair in my
long shaggy face since I was 14. I know a clean, close-cropped cut looks more
professional and less like I slept in a car. But then what would I play with
when I'm bored (suggestions aren't welcome)? What would I tug on nervously, or
run my fingers through constantly? I was in a play once where a director accused
me of relying too much on my hair. This particular show started with my hair
slicked back and, over the course of the evening (the play more or less took
place in real time), my nervous tics (and hot theatre lights) left my hair
bedraggled and wild and I loved that, it was so much fun, and the director
wanted to cut my hair because it was distracting. I fought and won that battle,
thankfully. I know it's just fucking hair, but I'm also proud to have it.
Someday I'll start balding and get that awful Michael Bolton/George Carlin
no-hair-up-front-tons-in-the-back look and have to rethink, but that day is not
Wear a suit. No, I can't do that one. Suits are flattering
and classy on the right person, but I'm no Diane Keaton. Even after working in
(and getting a substantial discount on) nice menswear, I still look like a kid
in his Dad's clothes when I wear a suit, or a pregnant bean on stilts. At my
current job, I can get by in pressed pants and a dress shirt or polo. I never
interact with clients, so I could also wear a garbage bag and a Tilley hat and
no one would care. Some colleagues are suited up, though, and look great. Maybe
if I was a little broader in the chest and narrower in the waist, I could be
poured into some quality threads, but I'm not about to starting working out
just to look a little better than Jason in Human Resources.
Develop a taste for wine. No, I can't do that one. Wine is
so gross, you guys! It's sour and bitter and coats your mouth and makes your
teeth disgusting. But people LOVE it! Guzzle it by the bottle, they do! I've
heard that your tastebuds supposedly change as you age, thus explaining, for
instance, why kids like the taste of Kool-Aid and adults like the taste of wine.
I think I missed that all-important transition. The booze I like are
sugar-bombed vodka coolers, like Smirnoff and Vex. These selections are
terribly gauche and so, so bad for me, but taste so good! Give me a Raspberry
Lemonade something with a 7% alcohol content over a Cabernet that was nestled
with baby lamb for two hundred years any day of the week.
Travel. No, I can't do that one. Travelling is supposedly a
fulfilling life-changing experience, but when I picture doing it myself all I
can think is: are the beds comfortable, and will the food make me puke?
Well-travelled friends make fabulous guests at a dinner party. Tales of
backpacking through some awful mountain and bunking in some kind of
eco-treehouse sound admirable from a distance, but I don't want to do any of those
things. You know where I'm going on vacation next week? The Big City where I
lived for many years. You know where I'm staying? With friends, and then a
hotel. Maybe I'll travel someday, but from where I'm sitting, it's better to be
home. But about that...
Own a home. No, I can't do that one. Home ownership is
freaking impossible, and it's only getting worse, but I think in a sly way, Doc
and I might have the market beat. Right now, we rent a small 1 bedroom
apartment for $1100/month. I don't know anyone who pays that little for a
mortgage and fees. If we were to buy a condo of comparable size, we'd pay at
least $1100 per month on a mortgage payment in
addition to condo fees (by the way, what the fuck are condo fees? It costs
$800 per month per resident to shovel the snow?). The Doc and I don't have any
debts, and we're able to squirrel away some nice chunks of change because our
rent is so small. If we keep saving, we'll eventually be in a place to buy a
little property without hurling ourselves into a massive money-owing pit of
despair we won't be able to hoist ourselves out of until we're ready to retire.
Make peace with the younger me. That's the hardest one. I
was always the kid who wanted to be older than he was because I never thought
my current self was all that interesting. I was a neurotic, overly-sensitive child,
prone to tantrums and tears. Despite having a marvelous childhood, I was not a
marvelous child. The adults I knew were great role models of how to grow up and
it infuriated me that I was not their contemporary. Now I'm the same age my
parents were when I was small and I feel like the biggest faker. As if someone will
see through my pretentious blathering and self-important dreams and point out
that my grasp on adulthood is tenuous; that my veneer of maturity is paper
thin. If I could go back and meet Younger James, a device often used in
terrible films, I don't know what I'd tell him, necessarily, but I hope I'd be
kind. Maybe he'd look at my little apartment, my paltry resume, my schlubby
clothes and messy hair and think, "Oh fuck, I'm gonna turn into this guy?" Or maybe he'd take it
all in, reserve his fleeting judgments, and decide that I must be trying my