Hello Friends.
What's the cut-off concerning one's age
in months? A six-month old baby I can understand, but 18 months is
cutesy and pushing it. He's a year and a half! Shouldn't he have his
own Twitter or something by now? God, cut the cord. Part of the
reason I'm glad this trend peters out, as a 361-month old myself, is
that the start of every month is a complete and utter shock to me and
my wallet.
I have not lived under my parents roof
for almost ten years now and, as such, am subject to monthly expenses
like rent, food, phone, etc. Intellectually, I know these bills are
coming but somehow, mid-month, when nothing is due, I incur a stupid
expenditure. About a week ago, for instance, I was at work and
sweating like a monster. It wasn't hot in the store, I'm just kinda
fat. I was wearing a black button down shirt, which you think would
be forgiving, but I was horrified to discover that the sweat
tributaries had pooled around my pizza gut and created a Rorschach
inkblot stain which cruelly, inconceivably, developed a white outlet
around itself on the fabric. Like my sweat was a dead man and
detectives had to chalk outline the silhouette. I was horrified and
decided with foolhardy, mid-month impulsion, to buy a sweater off the
rack at the store. Granted, it was on sale, but even a sale sweater
with employee discount works out to about forty dollars. Forty
dollars, when I could have just folded my arms, or asked for a brief
recess to air out my pizza gut in the break room.
I am not doing badly, from a financial
standpoint. My job is steady, I have freelance income in dribs and
drabs (but oh those dribs! If I had known volunteering for a
non-profit would net me no more than a feeling of smug superiority, I
wouldn't have gotten those highlights). Plus, the Doc makes enough
Doc money to keep us more than afloat should I sweat on the wrong
person and get fired. But I still feel that end of one month, start
of another pinch and the associated guilt and shame cascade. That has
to change.
Dream: Be better with money.
Goal: Achievable. When I lived in the
Big City, I marvelled at my contemporaries. There were points when I
held down one full and two part-time jobs, and I still had to hit Jon
or my parents up for cash. It was humiliating and demoralizing,
especially when I had coworkers in all of those jobs who seemingly
made do just fine. I think part of the Big City's reputation for
behaving arrogantly, as if Toronto were the centre of the universe,
comes from the harsh reality that it's a really, really expensive
place to live. In other words, if a Torontonian is able to somehow
own a home and make a go of life there, it is because they have
worked extremely hard to earn their spot, and would be hard-pressed
to shut up about it. I couldn't hack it and it burns me up inside.
But people obviously are smarter with their money than I am, so it is
time to join their ranks.
Plan: Make more of it or,
alternatively, develop a stronger hold on the money that I have. Here
are some ways to build and save some income:
Seeds. Man, I wish I could just eat
grains and seeds. They are cheap, plentiful, and healthful. Every
month I could get an XL seed sack from the feed store, and just graze
on handfuls whenever I was hungry. I feel like I'm constantly buying
groceries for stupid meals to shove in our stupid faces. With just a
little seed money (ha ha HA!), I could keep me and the Doc in lean,
fighting shape.
Canvas. When did we all decide we just
had to wear clothes? And not only that, but they had to be
form-fitting, colourful, stylish, and different from day to day? I
wish I just had a giant swath of canvas I could staple myself into
every day. I'd have a linen canvas for summer, one lined with pelts
for winter, and reversible burlap for autumn and spring.
Cable and PVR. You can fucking forget
me giving that up. If I can't record Chopped, then fast-forward when
the contestants talk to each other between rounds of Chopped (which,
if you haven't seen it, is the most awkward two minutes on
television), then I might as well live in a cave.
Live in a cave. If I could somehow move
my bed into a cave and get some cave WiFi, I think I'd be okay. My
apartment has me in a bit of a rage of late. Some asshat keeps
pulling the fire alarm at four in the morning. The fire department
has to come every single time, and check every suite in our 20 storey
building every single time, while we wait outside and stew. I know
this is not the building's fault, the fire department's fault, the
superintendent's fault, etc., but somebody has to figure this out and
until then, I hate that we're still shelling out so much in rent
money. By the way, they've never found a fire and it's not a system
malfunction, so I hope whomever the prankster pulling the alarm is
ends up in a boy who cried wolf scenario where the tenants and fire
department decide finally to ignore the blaring alarm while he burns
to death.
Work smarter. The real reason monthly
bills sting so much is because non-monetary return on my investment
of time in projects and ventures I really believe in. I feel like I'm
afforded wonderful opportunities to work with great people on
exciting things, but I spend so much time and take in (comparatively)
so little money that I can't help feeling discouraged and worse, as
evidenced here, I can't help but whine.
I can't imagine what it must be like to
have an actual six month old at home. Or an eighteen-month old. Or an
eighteen year old, for that matter. When money problems move from
being theoretical dilemmas to actual life or death situations. When I
see parents, especially ones close to my age, I am galled by own
indulgence and sense of entitlement. I think of my own parents, who
worked jobs they hated when I was young, just to provide, then both
of them changed careers in their forties and fifties, because they
finally had a little more financial stability to do so. Yet, I don't
have children myself, or a mortgage, or debt. I can't help but think
if I don't work for minimum return now, I won't have that luxury
later. Is it better to grasp at straws, be thrifty, and hope
something big will happen? Or seek a more stable, if creatively
stifling path, and just grow the fuck up? I'm sure there's an answer
to be found here, but I can't think about it now. I have to get to
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